
<aside> โœจ Before the start of the workshop, install the tools on the dependencies page


This workshop expects basic familiarity with the command line. I aim to make few assumptions about familiarity with networking concepts, but some familiarity will make it significantly easier.

Challenges in this workshop are on, which is a site I run ๐Ÿ‘‹. Feel free to create an account there and play the challenges any time, and let me (Victor / subgraf ) know if you have any questions.


How to CTF

Running without sudo


<aside> ๐Ÿ’ก Convention: When you see a code block, like the one below๐Ÿ‘‡, commands you should enter will be prefixed with a dollar sign $, what you should input after running the command will be prefixed with <, and expected output will be prefixed with >


$ sed 's/Hello/Goodbye'
< Hello
> Goodbye


101 - Beginner

Networking Crash Course

Network Sniffing


Man-in-the-middle Attacks

201 - Intermediate

TCP Session Hijacking

TLS Downgrade

DNS Hijacking


If you are working through this material, and you want a place to discuss, join the Discord server

Join the naumachia Discord Server!